
  Taiwan Since Martial Law epitomizes the reinvigoration of cultural pluralism, which characterizes the dynamic processes of democratized Taiwan. With the lifting of martial law in 1987, people have awakened to their respective cultural identities and contributed to a sociopolitical renaissance strengthening the island's sense of national destiny and commitment to self-determination.

  Nineteen chapters highlight Taiwan's social and cultural diversity and the complexities of its politics and economy. The preface by Bo Tedards depicts the avenues of Taiwan's democratization with his ‘trajectories’ of political alternatives. The opening chapter by the editor David Blundell traces his personal experiences during the martial law transition and his reflections on an emerging Taiwan “sense of place.” Pro-democracy activists organized to demand free elections, human rights, respect for local heritages, and environmental sustainability.


  David Blundell, doctorate in anthropology, University of California, has written articles and contributed to books on cultural resource management, visual anthropology, language and communication processes, and aesthetics. Since the 1980s, Dr Blundell has been teaching at National Taiwan University and National Chengchi University in Taipei. His previous edited volume Austronesian Taiwan: Linguistics, History, Ethnology, Prehistory (Berkeley 2000), revised as a 2nd edition in 2009. Prof Blundell’s forthcoming book is on the ethnography of communication: acquisition of language and knowledge.


List of Maps…… ix
Map of Taiwan…..xi
Contributors (in chapter order)… xiii
Editor’s Note…. xxi
Foreword….. xxv
Learning from the Past to Strengthen our Future… xxv
Safe C. F. Lin
Producing this Book…… xxvi
Eric H. Y. Yu
Centered on Time and Place…… xxviii
Michael Buckland
Taking Ownership of the Timeline of History ……xxx
Hsiang Jieh
Introduction…… xxxiii
Taiwan Since Martial Law
David Blundell
Opening Essay ……xlix
Trajectories of Democratization
Bo Tedards

Society & Culture
1 Taiwan Coming of Age ……3

David Blundell

2 Grassroots Taiwan History…… 27
Ann Heylen

3 A Public Arts Venue in Taipei: Beitou Hot Springs Museum… 63
Constance Woods

4 Rights to Recognition: Minorities and Indigenous Politics in Emerging Taiwan Nationalism …91
Ku Kun-hui

5 Review of the Hakka Ethnic Movement in Taiwan ……131
Al Chung-chieh Wu

6 First Case of the New Recognition System: The Survival Strategies of the Thao… 153
Mitsuda Yayoi

7 Retrieving Ancestral Power From the Landscape: Cultural Struggle and  Yami Ecological Memory on Orchid Island …183
Jackson Hu

8 Perception and Cultural Identity of Taiwan Exchange Students  in Germany From the 1980s to the Present …211
Monika Leipelt-Tsai

9 The First Generation Middle Class in Taiwan: Culture and Politics…243
Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao

10 Tea of Taiwan: Contemporary Adaptation …263
Niki Alsford

Politics & Economy
11 The Formation of Taiwan’s New National Identity Since the End of the 1980s… 297

Frank Muyard

12 Election Campaigning Since the Taiwan Martial Law Era …367
Jonathan Sullivan

13 The Media in Democratic Taiwan …395
Gary D. Rawnsley and Ming-Yeh T. Rawnsley

14 Fledgling Democracy in Taiwan: Need for a Civil Rights Protection System …419
Janet Tan

15 Nation vs. Tradition: Indigenous Rights and Smangus…453
David Reid

16 Righting the Wrongs of the Past? The Human Rights Policies of Chen Shui-bian and Ma Ying-jeou …485
Daniel Bowman

17 Economic Integration Across the Taiwan Strait: A Case of Cultural Identity Transformation and Contested National Sovereignty in the Context of Globalization ……527
Jose Guerra Vio

18 Globalization and Economic Security: The Case of the Taiwanese Semiconductor Industry …549
Ming-chin Monique Chu

19 Economy of Taiwan after the Lifting of Martial Law: A Waning Developmental State? …597
Peter C. Y. Chow

Index …631



  • ISBN:9789868805507
  • 叢書系列:
  • 規格:精裝 / 728頁 / 16.5 x 22.5 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣
  • 本書分類:> >



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